Erectile Dysfunction

Increase in Alveolar Nitric Oxide in the Presence of Symptoms in Childhood Asthma. Part 3

Consecutive asthmatic children referred for pulmonary function testing were enrolled. The aim of this study was to assess whether FAno could be a marker of distal obstruction and/or mild symptoms. Thus, we first defined a detailed structured questionnaire (symptom and medications) that was prospectively recorded in our population. Recorded symptoms were part of those included in the Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (chest tightness, 6 questions; cough, 12 questions; chest heaviness, 14 questions; woken at night by asthma, 24 questions; lack of a good night’s sleep, 29 questions). Symptomatic children were defined as having at least one symptom within 72 h before testing. Since the evaluation was planed to enroll mildly symptomatic children, in order to assess whether exhaled NO measures could reflect the onset of exacerbation (before the occurrence of significant airflow Limitation as decrease in FEV1), wheezing patients were not included. For the same reason daily peak expiratory flow (V) rate was not recorded in this young population. Consequently, only mild asthma symptoms were evaluated.

Only one investigator (B.M.) obtained all clinical histories. This study reports the results obtained in consecutive children or adolescents who were evaluated by functional respiratory tests in the follow-up of asthma. A group of healthy children without history of atopy (relatives of medical staff) was also evaluated.

NO Measurements

The breathing circuit consisted of a mouthpiece with a bacterial filter connected to a one-way valve, through which the children exhaled via an expiratory resistance while targeting a fixed mouth pressure of 16 cm H2O displayed on a water column to prevent contamination from nose and sinuses. Each NO measurement was done as recommended by the American Thoracic Society (ATS).

Children exhaled via separate resistances in turn while maintaining the same expiratory pressure, thus producing multiple flows that were measured by a downstream pneumotachograph (Fleisch #1; Fleisch; Lausanne, Switzerland, connected to Vali-dyne ± 2 cm H2O; Validyne Engineering; Northridge, CA). Each child was asked to perform at least one maneuver in five different ranges: very low flow (< 40 mL/s), low flow (40 to 60 mL/s), intermediate flow (60 to 100 mL/s), high flow (100 to 150 mL/s), and very high flow (> 150 mL/s). The criteria used for FEno interpretation were those in the ATS guidelines,17 the expiratory time being at least 6 s with a plateau of at least 3 s.

FEno was measured using a chemiluminescent NO analyzer (EVA4000; Seres; Aix en Provence, France), as previously described. NO concentration, V, and expired volume were displayed on a computer (Biopac Systems; Santa Barbara, CA).

Modeling the Qno/FIow Rate Relationship

We used two different approaches using multiple-flow analysis.

Increase in Alveolar Nitric Oxide in the Presence of Symptoms in Childhood Asthma. Part 2

Asthma is characterized by an inflammation of both the proximal and the distal lung airways. Exhaled nitric oxide (NO) is considered a noninvasive marker of lung airway and alveolar inflamma-tion. Increased NO output ((Qno) in asthma has been extensively documented. Cellular inflammation located in the very small airways and alveoli could contribute to this increased QNO output. Along this line, increased numbers of total eosinophils, activated eosinophils, and lymphocytes have been found in the distal asthmatic lung. Furthermore, there is compelling evidence linking proinflammatory cytokine expression, eosinophil recruitment, and NO synthase expression or reactive nitrogen species in distal airspaces as evaluated by BAL. Consequently, we hypothesized that an increased QNO output could occur from distal airways and/or alveoli of asthmatic subjects.

The flow dependency of exhaled NO fraction

(FEno) has been extensively reported. Convincing mathematical models have related this experimental observation to a dual origin of NO, which is produced both by the proximal airway compartment and by the expansible compartment comprising the alveolar space and very small airways. More recently, Tornberg and colleagues demonstrated that oral cavity contributes significantly to exhaled NO; consequently, the nonexpansible compartment would better be named proximal or conducting airways (orotracheal plus bronchial parts). The ability of multiple-flow analysis to differentiate increase in FEno due to either distal (alveolitis or hepatopul-monary syndrome) or to bronchial (asthma) origin has been verified.

We previously demonstrated, as others, that the increased QNO observed in asthma is due to an increased maximal proximal airway (Qno (Qbr,maxNo), the alveolar NO concentration (FAno) being normal. However, these studies were not designed to assess whether FAno could be elevated owing to the presence of symptoms or bronchial obstruction. Consequently, our objectives were to evaluate the respective contributions of Qbr,maxNO and FAno to FEno in asthmatic children using multiple-flow analysis of (Qno, and to evaluate whether recent symptoms and/or airway obstruction in these children were related to significant increases in Qbr,maxNO or FAno. To ensure the validity of FAno calculation, two approaches of its determination were used using multiple-flow analysis, both of them based on the two-compartment model of the NO exchange dynamic.

Materials and Methods


Informed consent for the participation to the study was obtained from the parents in every case. Asthma was defined as a history of recurrent wheezing episodes,

Increase in Alveolar Nitric Oxide in the Presence of Symptoms in Childhood Asthma. Part 1

Based on current knowledge, some modality of long-term and high degree of acid suppression or acid exclusion seems to be the most effective treatment strategy. Preselecting children with an abnormal extended pH monitoring finding and a favorable response to a therapeutic trial of aggressive anti-GER therapy seems to be the best way to implicate GER in inducing or exacerbating asthma.

Study objectives: To determine respective contributions of alveolar and proximal airway compartments in exhaled nitric oxide (NO) output (Qno) in pediatric patients with asthma and to correlate their variations with mild symptoms or bronchial obstruction.

Patients and design: In 15 asthmatic children with recent mild symptoms, 30 asymptomatic asthmatic children, and 15 healthy children, exhaled NO concentration was measured at multiple expiratory flow (V) rates allowing the calculation of alveolar and proximal airway contributions in (Qno , using two approaches, ie, linear and nonlinear models.

Measurements and results: Asymptomatic and recently symptomatic patients were not significantly different regarding FEVj and maximum V between 25% and 75% of FVC (MEF25_75): FEVX, 93.3 ± 13.4% vs 90 ± 7.5%; MEF25_75, 70 ± 22% vs 68 ± 28% of predicted values, respectively (mean ± SD). Maximal airway Qno output was significantly higher in recently symptomatic vs asymptomatic patients (p < 0.0001), and in asymptomatic patients vs healthy children (p < 0.02): 134 ± 7 nl/min, 55 ± 43 nl/min, and 19 ± 8 nl/min, respectively. In a multiple regression analysis, variables that influenced airway Qno output were symptoms (p < 0.0001) and distal airway obstruction as assessed by MEF25_75 (p < 0.05). Alveolar NO concentration (FAno) was significantly (p < 0.03) higher in recently symptomatic than in patients without symptoms, whereas it was not significantly different between asymptomatic patients and healthy children: 7.2 ± 2.4 parts per billion (ppb), 5.5 ± 2.7 ppb, and 4.2 ± 2.0 ppb, respectively.

Conclusions: An increase in FAno was observed in the presence of symptoms, and proximal airway NO output was correlated with distal obstruction during asthma.

Key words: exhaled nitric oxide; multiple flow analysis; nitric oxide

Abbreviations: ATS = American Thoracic Society; Cw,no = nitric oxide concentration in the airway wall; Dno = proximal airway nitric oxide diffusing capacity; FAno = alveolar nitric oxide concentration; FEno = exhaled nitric oxide fraction; FEno,50 = exhaled NO fraction calculated at a expiratory flow of 50 mL/s; MEF25_75 = maximal expiratory flow between 25% and 75% ofFVC; NO = nitric oxide; ppb = parts per billion; Qbr,maxNO = maximal proximal airway nitric oxide output; QNO = nitric oxide output; V = expiratory flow

An ECG unit was used that acquires data simultaneously and digitally from all ECG leads

The patients had daily Ws and ECGs recorded and printed routinely with the placement of the limb electrodes on the wrists and ankles, however, for the purposes of this study, the ECGs and Ws from hospital admission and at the point of half-PW gain (HF-W), and PW for the patients with AN, the hospital admission and discharge data for the control subjects, the prehemodialysis and posthemodialysis data for the patients undergoing this procedure, and the data from hospital admission and discharge for the patients with CHF were employed. An ECG unit was used that acquires data simultaneously and digitally from all ECG leads, instead of acquiring data from a few leads and calculating the rest of them online. Calibration of the unit was 1.0 mV = 1.0 cm. Measurements of the sum of the highest positive plus the lowest negative deflections of the QRS complex in all ECG leads of all study ECGs were made to the nearest 0.5 mm, employing hard copies and using manual calipers and a magnifying glass. For ECGs with atrial fibrillation, the average of measurements of three consecutive heart beats was used. Since the six limb leads can be calculated from leads 1 and 2, as per Einthoven law (leads 1 + 3 = 2), and the aV leads, as per formulas (lead aVR = 1/2[1 + 2], aVL = 1 — 1/2, [2], lead aVF = 2 — 1/2, [1], and lead aVR + aVL + aVF = 0), the 2QRS2 was employed as a variable, along with the £QRS12 and 2QRS6. It should be emphasized here that the use of SQRS2 as an ECG system is employed with the full realization that for the derivation of the remaining four limb leads, through the abovedescribed formulas, the values of leads 1 and 2 are treated algebraically in serial online measurements from the entire duration of the QRS complex in ECG machines, while in the present work the sum of the peak-to-peak (ie, positive-to-negative) amplitude values of the QRS complex of these two leads is implemented. Moreover, it should be understood that the same measurement approach was used for all three ECG systems. 2QRS12, SQRS6, and SQRS2 were calculated from the day of admission, the HF-W point, and the PW point for each of the 28 patients. Obviously, the HF-W point was determined after the PW was attained, and it represented a W value that was closest to one half of the PW gained. The mean (± SD) PW gain of the 28 patients with AN was 23.9 ± 14.8 lbs, and the mean HF-W gain was 16.9 ± 10.7 lbs. The corresponding ECG for the day when the HF-W was reached was used in the analysis.

Implications for the Employment of Quantitative Electrocardiography in Research and Clinical Applications

In ECG syndrome has been reported that associated the development of peripheral edema of varying etiology with a decrease in the body surface QRS potentials involving all ECG leads. In that work, we employed the sum of QRS complexes of 12-lead ECGs from routine daily tracings, which were obtained by our technicians without the aid of marking of the thoracic wall to ensure intrasubject reproducible recordings from the precordial ECG sites. It is common knowledge that precordial ECGs display considerable intraindividual variation stemming from an alteration in the use of thoracic landmarks for V1-V6 recording, and that even a slight change of the recording sites can alter significantly the ECG waveforms. This problem remains without solution, despite the clear treatment of the topic on the appropriate recording of the precordial ECG provided by the ECG textbooks. In practice, this is of immense importance, since such inconsistencies frequently lead to erroneous diagnoses and a need for a cardiologic consultation.

Since the six standard (bipolar and unipolar) limb ECG leads are not subject to the vagaries of inconsistent recording that is inherent with the six precordial leads, it was hypothesized that the correlation of the weight (W) gain with a reduction in the sum of the QRS complexes from the six standard ECG leads (2QRS6) in our patients with anasarca (AN) would be better than the one we found with the employment of the 2QRS12 (r = 0.61; p = 0.0005) in our previous article.

Most modern ECG machines record only leads 1 and 2, and they calculate in real time the remaining limb leads. Accordingly, it was hypothesized that using merely the sum of QRS complexes of leads 1 and 2 (2QRS2) from a recorded 12-lead ECG will suffice to provide at a glance a quick index of body fluid retention. Such an index could be used at bedside for the evaluation of patients with an edematous state, thus obviating the inconvenience of calculating 2QRS6 or 2QRS12.

Consequently, the database of our previous study in conjunction with 2QRS6 and 2QRS2 in addition to the corresponding 2QRS12 used previously, was employed to investigate the two hypotheses cited above. In addition, similar ECG data from another recent study of three patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy who were admitted to the hospital with congestive heart failure (CHF) were included.

Low Voltage With Pericardial Effusion

In this issue of CHEST, Japan’s leading investigator of pericardial disease, Tetsuro Sugiura, MD, and his colleagues contribute a unique report of patients free of heart disease with asymptomatic pericardial effusions, small to large, some of whom had PR segment and ST-T wave changes. The report raises as many questions as it answers, and these will require further investigation. By standard definition, 32 of 121 patients had low voltage QRS. In the entire group, widespread ST-segment elevation was found in only 8 patients, and widespread PR-segment depression in 32 patients. PR-segment depressions were significantly more frequent in those with low QRS voltage than in those free of low voltage (more cases may have escaped detection when low voltage applied to more than the QRS complexes). The authors appropriately lumped moderate and large pericardial effusions, as it has been shown that the physiologic effect—increased ventricular interaction of even asymptomatic effusions was similar in moderate-to-large effusions as opposed to small effusions.

Eight of 32 patients with PR-segment deviations had ST-segment deviations, while none with isoelectric PR segments had ST deviations, and significantly more patients with isoelectric PR segments had moderate-to-large effusions than small effusions. Small voltage and PR-segment deviations were rare in patients who had clinically silent pericardial effusions with an unsurprising trend to lower voltage in moderate-to-large effusions.

Certain findings are relatively remarkable: all patients with PR deviations had either a malignancy or a connective tissue disease. In contrast, it is not surprising that all patients with hypothyroidism and with renal disease had no ECG changes.

The authors conclude that there is subepicardial myocardial involvement by inflammation that they believe can cause low voltage despite small effusions and conclude “even a small but inflammatory effusion can cause low voltage in the presence of PR-segment depressions.” They thus assume the fluid to be inflammatory and, presumably because the patients were asymptomatic, they assumed that neither drainage nor biopsy was indicated. In this connection, no patients had tamponade, and Sugiura and colleagues did not describe any of the large effusions as massive. PR-segment deviations can be safely attributed to early appearance of the atrial T wave because they are always opposite to the direction of the P wave with an appropriate spatial vector. However, it is not certain that all PR-segment deviations must be inflammatory.

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Levitra is a prescription medication for men suffering from erectile dysfunction and famous like Cialis and Viagra Australia It has undergone clinical tests and went on sale in 2003. Levitra Australia is a medicine that is effective, even though it’s in small doses, which is unusual in terms of its competitors. This means you are less likely to experience side effects.

Levitra starts working in as little as 15 minutes – which means it is one of the fastest -acting drugs on the market, and is effective for up to five hours. Levitra is especially suitable for men who have trouble getting an erection, and men who have difficulty maintaining a strong erection. Many men can get an erection but lose it during intercourse. Levitra solves this problem.

Vardenafil in Australia also works well for men who have other health problems such as diabetes, high cholesterol and hypertension, and is effective even if the medication is taken in conjunction with medications for high blood pressure. Unlike many other treatments for impotence, Levitra can be taken after meals, making spontaneous moments after romantic dinners easier.

The recommended starting dose of Levitra 10mg and since it is also present in doses of 5mg and 20mg, your dose may be adjusted as needed to fit your needs. There is also a new form of Levitra that melts on the tongue, which was launched earlier this year.

The tablet taken with water 15-60 minutes before sex – this can be done after a meal or on an empty stomach. Levitra works then for up to five hours, which means that you will get a stronger erection and maintain this anymore. Levitra makes it easier for you to get an erection, but only when you want to – you do not have to worry that you will not be able to control your erection.

You can buy Levitra online and have it delivered straight to your door. The ordering process takes just a few minutes and allows our team of doctors can review your information and determine whether Levitra should be prescribed to you or not.

As the consultation normally only takes an hour from the time you submit it and it you are notified, your order is sent and delivered discretely very next day, which means you can start your treatment of impotence as early as tomorrow.

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Erection Problem and Remedies: Viagra Australia

Erectile dysfunction is a term used for many common problems including problems with erection. The most common erection problem is the difficulty in achieving and maintaining an erection, this is also known as impotence. Problems with orgasm, ejaculation or low sex drive and inability to maintain an erection long also classed as erection problems and erection problems may require treatment.

Types of erectile dysfunction

It is easy to confuse erectile dysfunction and impotence, as it is mostly used as the same problem. This can lead to an incorrect diagnosis by itself and it is therefore important to make a distinction between the two. Erection problems are actually an umbrella term for a variety of sexual problems, impotence which is one of those. All problems are not the same treatment.

Impotence is a continuous inability of a man to maintain or even achieve an erection sufficient to complete a satisfactory sexual intercourse. The problem tends to be more common among men over 40, but can affect men of all ages and is the most common erection problem.

Regular problems with orgasm and ejaculation are also erectile dysfunction. These problems include the inability to control their ejaculation or orgasm, which is more commonly known as premature ejaculation. Problem with achieving an orgasm, which usually is called retrograde ejaculation, is another type of erectile dysfunction.

Another type of erection problem is when a man suffers from an inability to achieve an erection hard enough in order to achieve a satisfactory sexual intercourse. This may be due to insufficient amount of blood that can reach the penis, this is often because the proper chemical process does not occur at the cellular level. Treatment for this problem is handled mostly by an endocrinologist.

The same term can also be applied to problems where men tend to get an erection for a short while. All processes in the body is made properly, but the erection is not sufficient to fulfil a satisfactory sexual intercourse.

Some men may suffer from a low sex drive, or a completely lack sex drive. This is very rare and is usually not considered an erection problem.

Erectile dysfunction is a problem that affects men of all ages: there are, however, age-related and it is more likely to occur in men over 40. While age is a factor, it does not mean it’s the only reason, which is why the problem may require different treatments. Men taking certain drugs, recovering from surgery, living an especially unhealthy life or those who are under a lot of stress tend to develop impotence.

Erection problems can be noted that the above have many causes, some easier to treat than others. If you feel you are suffering from the problem, it’s a good idea to keep track of symptoms and possible causes. Knowing their problems can potentially help you get the proper treatment of erectile dysfunction quickly.

The most common treatments for erectile dysfunction are oral drugs, the most famous are Levitra, Cialis and Viagra 100mg Australia. These treatments work to combat the root cause of impotence, and they should be taken just before you want to have sex. You can read more about other treatment options by visiting our page for impotence.

There is a main treatment for premature ejaculation and it is Priligy, a serotonin reuptake inhibitors. If the causes of your erection problems are hormonal, there are several different hormone replacement therapies that can be used to prevent impotence, they help to stimulate blood circulation in the penis. Would emotional factors be the cause of erectile dysfunction, therapy may be the best treatment for you.

Viagra Professional

images (1)Viagra Professional is an oral drug used in patients with inability to achieve and maintain erection during sexual intercourse. In contrast to the classical Viagra produced by Pfizer, Viagra Professional remains efficient during 6 to 8 hours after the moment of intake.

Viagra Professional in Australia is popular thanks to its low price coupled with proven efficiency. The principal medicinal component of the drug is sildenafil citrate, the same active ingredient as is used in the classical version of the medicine. The difference between the brand Viagra in its classical form and the relatively recently added to the sildenafil family Viagra Professional is a few herbal ingredients added to the latter that intensify sildenafil formula and make it more powerful. Viagra Proffesional Australia is taken approximately one hour before the planned sexual intercourse. The onset of the action of the drug is individual and varies from patient to patient, but the intake of Viagra Professional should be realized no sooner than 30 minutes before it is

needed. The action of sildenafil in composition of Viagra Professional is extended from 4 hours as is the case with the classical variant of Viagra to 6-8 hours thanks to the added herbal components that enhance the action of sildenafil citrate.

The obvious advantage of Viagra Professional in Australia is the safety and trustability of the universally recognized pill which has very few controlled side effects. Sildenafil remains in the blood for less time than other phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors, and therefore the organism is exposed to its effect for a shorter period of time.

Viagra Professional acts only when needed. You should not be afraid to have a spontaneous erection without an object of your sexual desire. Sildenafil only facilitates the achievement of erection in a natural way, provoking a bodily response to sexual arousal.

During the entire period of Viagra Professional Australia efficiency in the body you will be able to have as many sexual recharges as is opportune, but no more than you have been able of to have before the first symptoms of erectile dysfunction within the same period of time.

Before starting treatment with sildenafil it is recommended to undergo a medical examination and a thorough history objective, so as to properly diagnose erectile dysfunction and determine whether the possible physiological and psychological causes that can be the basis of the disease. In addition, medical findings on cardiovascular conditions should be performed on patients who intend to start the treatment of erectile dysfunction with sildenafil, also because there is a degree of risk of cardiac events associated with sexual activity. Therefore, before prescribing sildenafil to patients with certain cardiovascular conditions, doctors must ensure that the vasodilatory effects of the drug does not have a negative impact on the health of patients.